Aggressive, Persistent, Relentless, CarFi

General Questions

We are going to fight to get you the best rate possible, whether its for your current or a future purchase.
Submit a credit application here, and our advisor start working for you immediately.
Yes, We encourage our clients to apply online.

After You Apply

Drivers license, valid insurance card.
CarFi accepts cash, all major credit cards and ApplePay.
CarFi client needs vary, we do loans of $5,000 or larger.

At The Dealership

Approvals vary for each client, but most approvals are held for 7 to 10 business days.
CarFi will work with anyone, however every bank has their own list of eligibility requirements and conditions, all of which will be communicated to our clients on a case by case basis.
Automatic payments vary by bank. A CarFi advisor will help get that started.

After You're Approved

CarFi has a $25 application fee and $395 service fee.
You will only be charged for the application fee.
CarFi has taken a legal oath to keep and dispose of our clients personal information in a secure way. We also partnered with a cutting edge web design company Thrasker to make sure our website is as secure as possible.